Samsun Port


Samsunport provides general cargo, container and ro-ro services as well as all procedures and processes are supported by port automation system.

Terminal Information:
Terminal Zone 445.000m², Terminal Capacity 250.000 TEU, Number of YardSlot 1240 TEU, Number of Reefer Priz: 40, Number of doors: 3 main doors, 1 emergency door, 2 railway entrances

Size of the Zones:  CFS: 30.000 m², Covered Warehouse: 50.000 m², Number of Empty Warehouses: 320.000.m², Total length of dock: 1.756 m, Total length of Vagon Ferry: 180 m


Samsunport Samsun International Port Management A.Ş
Tel: +90 362 445 14 00
Faks: +90 362 445 14 08
Wireless sea telephone: VHF KANAL 16

Hançerli Mahallesi Sahilyolu Str. No:37 İlkadım-Samsun/Turkey